Monday, August 25, 2008

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Went to see "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Raine waited so long for this movie! Now he saw the movie and he is obsessed with the legos! 

Look what grandpa got for Raine! This is over 1,000 pieces and with lots of help from his cousins he was able to finish it! So happy that he finished it but doesn't know how to bring it back to Toronto! 

レインが長い間楽しみに待っていた映画、"Star Wars: The Clone Wars"を家族みんなで見に行ってきた!その直後からStar Warsレゴにハマりだし、孫には甘いじじはこんな大きいレゴを買ってあげた!全部で1000ピース以上はあり、ダニエルのいとこの子供達、JeffとWinnieの助けでやっと完成!って喜んでいるのは良いけど、トロントにどうやって持って帰るつもりなんだろう?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hockey Camp in Regina!

Raine's full day hockey camp kicked off!

At this camp Daniel saw his high school friend that he didn't see for years and also saw his high school French teacher! I have to say that kids in Regina are great hockey players!




Had a game on the last day!


Raine was one of the smallest players but did a good job playing against older kids! 


Go Raine Go!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trip to Regina

After the brunch with Perry and Jen we started heading to Regina with Daniel's parents. We've driven to Regina before but I still think it's a LONG car ride! It's 8 hours!

As you can see in this picture, Saskatchewan is very FLAT! What you can NOT see in this picture is BIG BROWN grasshoppers flying around the field! Still hard to believe this is where Daniel grew up...




Saturday, August 16, 2008

Perry and Jen got Married!

On August 16th, Perry and Jen got married! So happy for them! I know they spent lots of time getting ready for this special day. Such a perfect and lovely wedding! Congratulations to you both! We wish you a life together filled with happiness and lots of love!



Raine's surprise speech was a HUGE success!


Dear Uncle Perry and Anti Jen,

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
Thank you for letting us be a part of your special day!
I'm looking forward to spending my summers with you as my mommy and daddy enjoy their time back home!
I'm also looking forward to my first cousin! Please don't feel any pressure, but I'm waiting!
Everyone, please raise your glass and toast with me to Perry and Jen!
Go Flames Go!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Johnston Canyon Trail

This is Johnston Canyon Trail. Since we enjoyed this trail last time so much we decided to make a pit stop here before heading back to Calgary!

ここは「ジョンストン キャニオン トレール」というとこ!前回は、ここで美味しい空気をたくさん吸って、楽しくハイキングをしたので、カルガリーに車で戻る前に、ここにちょこっと寄り道する事にした!

Can you tell that Raine is not in the mood for hiking today?


I want to go back to Calgary... My grandpa promised to buy me some Star Wars Legos!

カルガリーに戻ろうよ... じじがStar Warsのレゴ買ってくれるって約束したから!

Beautiful! We are almost at the first viewpoint!


Lower Falls - we walked about 1.1km!


This is Lower Falls from a different angle!


Upper Falls! We are about 2.7km away from where we started!


I believe we walked about 6km and FINALLY we made it to the final viewpoint, Ink Pots!


Don't want to walk back another 6km. Our car seems SOOO far away...


Lake Louise

The world famous Lake Louise! We were here 2 years ago with my parents and Daniel's parents! This time we didn't have any problems finding a parking spot or didn't have to line up for anything. Seems quieter...

ここは世界で有名なレイクルイーズ!2年前に、ダニエル家と秋山家で一緒に旅行した時に一度来ている場所。前回は車をとめるのにも時間がかかって、レストランやカヌーをするにも並んだ記憶があるけども、なぜか今回は違う... 観光客が今年は少ないのかな?

Having brunch!

"I remember you from 2 years ago! I have to say your mom was bad at canoeing..."
There is absolutely no one canoeing there. Strange...

Raine was SO excited about canoeing but came back within 20 minutes... I guess he still can't get over his fear from 2 years ago when he canoed with me...  


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hoodoo Trail

This is Hoodoo Trail which is about 10 minutes away from Banff Ave.. Didn't know anything about it. Just saw it in the guide book and decided to give it a try! Turned out to be a pretty cool place!



"I'm the king of the castle, you're the dirty rascal!"

Perfect place for a picnic!


We've been walking for about 2 hour...and not even halfway!


Tons of mosquitoes here and looks like it's getting dark! Let's get out of here!


Downtown Banff

Look what we saw when walking on Banff Ave.!


Grassi Lakes Trail

Some lady said to us "You might see some bears...but don't worry! They are just looking for some food!"


Did she mean "us"...? I guess she meant some berries...whew!

ここはカナナスキスにある「Grassi Lakesトレール」。ハイキング初心者向け!ここに来る前にある女の人に、「熊がでるかも...でも食べ物探してるだけだから心配しないで!」と。


食べ物って私達「人間」の事?と思っていると、フレンドリーな熊がベリーを探しに山から出て来るらしい... な〜んだ!一安心!!!

We don't look like hikers at all...

We just heard something moving...let's speed walk!

今何か音がして、動いたような... 早歩きしようよ!
At the top of the mountain!

WOW! This is the end of the trail! Let's go round to the other side!

This is the other side of the lake! BEAUTIFUL!!!


I can totally see myself climbing like these guys...


This little guy is eating Raine's snack!


Let's head back before we see hungry bears!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tooth Fairy came to Canmore!

Raine lost another tooth from eating a...BANANA? The Tooth Fairy came all the way to Canmore to leave a coin!

レインの前歯が長い間ぐらぐらしていて、キャンモアに着いた夜にとうとう抜けた!どうやって抜けたかって?バナナを食べていたらしい... 次の日の朝起きたら、歯の妖精が置いて行ってくれた$1が枕もとにあるのを発見!キャンモアまで来てくれたんだ!

Trip to Canmore

Booked this 2bdrm condo for 3 nights! It's in Canmore which is about 15 minutes from Banff National Park. Didn't know much about this town but turned out I got a pretty good place!




Gorgeous views from our window!


Walking along the path behind the condo to the grocery store.


"...32...57...112...when does this end..."


Monday, August 11, 2008

Calgary Zoo

My parents came to Calgary yesterday. So good to see them again! They had lots of rest last night and today we decided to go to the zoo.


昨日はたっぷりホテルで休みをとり、今日は父親のリクエストで動物園に行く事に。というか、この旅行が決まった時から、何回父親に「カルガリーで動物園に行こうよ!」と言われた事やら... もうすぐ60才になるのに、私は父親がこんなに動物園好きだったとは知らなかった(笑)

Wearing the white pants to the zoo is just WRONG!!!


"Hurry up! We don't want the bird to attack us!"


You guys are very good at Hide and Seek!



"Daddy, did you just say this is bison? We ate these guys last night..."


"This bear seems angry... I think he needs some love!"

Have you ever seen hippos swim?




Just saw bats and lots of cool creatures in there!


Is it just me or does this baby elephant look older than his Mom?


"I walked for 3 hours and my legs are killing me... Let's go home!"
