Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tim Hortons Commercial

Raine had a commercial shoot for Tim Hortons today! It was at Holiday Inn in Peterborough. His call time was 8 o'clock in the morning and we had to wake up at 5:30am. LONG DAY...

レインの"Tim Hortons"のコマーシャルの撮影が今日あった。車で2時間半くらいの街にあるホテルロビーでの撮影。8時に集合なので今日は朝5時半起き。はぁ、なが〜い1日だ...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lake Simcoe Part 4

There are so many little beaches in this park! AGAIN, Raine wanted to make a sandcastle!


I need your hand...

The water is warm but it's just windy!

Here they go again!

Jiji needs a break...

We are done!

Do you see the little island behind us? We'll try to go there next summer!

The best day ever!!!

Lake Simcoe Part 3

This park is know for fishing. We don't fish...


Pretty cool!

So peaceful...

Raine the explorer!

He didn't find anything...

Lake Simcoe Part 2

We came all the way here to play at the playground...


Come on Jiji! Follow me!!!

Jiji is such a good passenger...

Mommy: ...I'm feeling sick...

Lake Simcoe Part 1

We went to Lake Simcoe today. The lake is surrounded by many parks and I just picked the park called Innisfil Beach Park to check it out!

ダウンタウンから車で1時間半くらいのとこにある"Lake Simcoe"という大きな湖までドライブしてきた!この湖はつり好きにはとても人気らしく、多くの公園に囲まれている。地図を見て適当にここ!と選んで"innisfil Beach Park"というとこに行って来た!

We are finally here and we are hungry!

Lake Simcoe

This is our first stop...

Hot dog again! We have to have energy to play.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Canlan Classic Tournament

We had another tournament this weekend! Riane's coach invited some kids from the Toros to come and play with us! It was SO nice to see the familiar faces again!

Apparently this is a huge tournament and there were many American teams. We found out that our first game was against a team all the way from Texas!!! I heard they drove for 36 hours to get here! Oh my goodness!


"We are ready to kick some butt!"

Warm up

Look what Raine got!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rogers Cup

We got tickets to the Rogers Cup! This is our second time to see! This time my dad wanted to see the quarter finals and we saw 2 games, one with Federer and the other with Djokovic! It was exciting! Riane is now SOOOOO into tennis! He loves how ball boys and girls chase the balls too!

3年前にも行ったRogers Cupに今年また行ってきた!今年は男子がトロントで女子がモントリオール!今回はじじのリクエストで準々決勝を観に行ってきた!2つの試合を観ることになり、1つ目はFedererの試合。2つ目はDjokovicだった!やっぱりテレビで見るより迫力はあるね〜!なかなか良いチケットを買ったと思ったけど、決勝に近づくにつれて値段も上がるので、それほど良い席ではなかった、泣。このRogers Cupをきっかけに、(試合中はボールボーイをみてケラケラ笑ってたけど)レインはテニスにかなりハマったらしい!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Terracotta Army

I can say this is one of the main events of the trip this year! My dad's friends went all the way to China to see the terracotta warriors. Luckily we happened to have the exhibition at the ROM!


Is this Karl Lagerfeld??

@ Museum Station


This is what we just saw(sort of...)!

What the heck is this??

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Toronto Zoo

We went to the zoo today! Since Raine has been there many times on the field trips he knew where everything was! Pretty impressive!

Without a doubt the best part today was touching stingrays! They felt so slimy!


This is my favorite picture! It looks so funny!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Boston Red Sox

We went to see Matsuzaka today! Oh my goodness, he looks BIG in person(you know what I'm talking about!).


"Mommy, wake up! I know baseball could be boring."

Raine is so excited because he took a picture with Matsuzaka!

He is so focused! I wonder if he likes to be on the screen like this...

Yes! 8th inning!

Let's go home now!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Wii Fit

Daniel and Raine LOVE Wii Fit! That's our new toy now! Raine made Jiji try it! It was pretty entertaining to watch him try hula hooping! Sadly he is not very coordinated.

ダニエルとレインの新しいおもちゃ、Wii Fit!2人で毎日ヨガやったり、エアロビしたりして楽しんでいる。せっかくなので、レインはじじに教えてあげて一緒に遊びたいらしい。初心者ってことでじじになぜかフラフープを選んだレイン。見てておもしろかったけど、いや〜へたくそだった。フラフープがないのに一生懸命腰を動かしてるじじを見てるのは笑えた!

"I'll show you how to play!"

"Ah...you are not doing it right..."

No more Wii Fit!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tommy Thompson Park 4

Finally we came back to where I parked the car! HOLLY COW, it was a LONG walk!!! Raine was too tired to even talk but he wanted to make a sandcastle with Jiji!


Raine: We are going to make a sandcastle!
Jiji: ...??

"Jiji is making me do all the work!"

Check out our castle!