Saturday, December 18, 2010

Parents vs Kids

Raine's team had a Christmas party. The kids had a game against their parents and a pizza party afterwards. I can really tell some of the parents are getting OLD(ha ha!)! I bet they used to be a good player when they were young but they can't keep up with their 10 year old son now! They kept coming back to the bench to catch breath. Funny!


Warm up

Strategize the game

Exhausted parents...

"I think I should take it easy on the parents."

Saturday, December 11, 2010

First Christmas in Oakville

Daniel's parents will spend their first Christmas in Oakville! We found a perfect spot for the tree and Raine decorated it! Wonder what Santa is bringing this MOMMY!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Power Balance

This is called "Power Balance" and it's created for athletes. How do you use it?? Simply put it on your wrist(or ankle). That's it! It doesn't make you stronger but it's supposed to help keep you more balanced. I guess a lot of pro athletes are wearing it.

Check this out!

Some guys were selling at the arena and Raine saw them testing. He was SO amazed(of course) and begged me to buy one. I ended up buying it just because all his teammates bought it. Personally I don't believe in this kind of stuff. The original price was $40 but it was $20. Yeah yeah... Well, we'll see if it really works on Raine.

これは"Power Balance"と呼ばれる、多くのプロスポーツ選手も使っているブレスレット。これを手首につけるだけでバランススキルがアップ。ホッケーの練習の後に小さなブースがあるのを見つけ、そこにたくさんの人たちが集まっていたのでやじうましに行った。上のリンクを見ると分かると思うが、なかなか不思議なもの。でも、これが$40??でもその日だけなんと半額の$20だったらしい(あ〜うそくさっ!)。まぁ子供だましと言ったらいいのか、レインなんて目をまん丸くしてほしい〜ほしい〜と。チームメイトもみんな買ってもらってて我が家も結局買うはめになった、涙。次の試合何か違いがあるか見てやるぞっ!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Patrick Kane

Raine completed Patrick Kane 300pc puzzle!

レインが買ったホッケー選手(Patrick Kane)の300ピースパズルを1日で仕上げました!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ha Ha!

I'm not sure if I want it even it's $1...


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Backward Crossover

Look at how fast Raine's feet are moving!


Sunday, October 31, 2010


We went trick or treating this year with Toren and Julia. They were SO excited about the ferry ride to the island(I think their parents were more excited!)! It was very cold but we all had a blast! I have to say that we go to the island every year but this year is by far the best!!! Lots more kids and candy! MMM, SKITTLES!!!


Cowgirl, Out of Work Jason & Scary Clown

Dinner on Boat! Fancy!!!


Trick or Treat!

Look at the guy behind them! Is it Yao Ming??

Costume Design by Daniel

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Play Do Adrien by Raine

Raine says Adrien is always wrapped in towels!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Leafs vs Rangers

Raine's friend, Jake invited us to see a hockey game at ACC! They were $198 tickets and it WAS awesome (even though Raine doesn't like the Leafs)! They originally asked Daniel to go but I stole his ticket. HA HA!


Go Leafs Go!

The arena was full!

Raine, Jake and Scott

Dion Phaneuf

Assistant Captain!

Raine got voted to be the assistant captain of the team! Way to go!!! Why does the "A" have to be so small... Can't even see it.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to Oakville!

Daniel's parents finally sold their house in Regina! They are now SO ready to move into their brand new house in Oakville! Daniel went back to help them out and they drove for 3 days straight to get here. What a fun family trip?!

ダニエルの親がやっとリジャイナの家を売り、オークビルの新しいお家に引っ越しすることとなった!引っ越し屋さんに頼んだが、ダニエルのお父さんの希望で自分たちは『車で家族旅行しながらオークビルに行こう!』と。google mapでどう検索しても最低3日はかかるらしく、ダニエルはブルーな気持ちで実家に手伝いに帰った。毎日途中途中で携帯が鳴り、自分のマクラが恋しい~と、涙。そりゃそうだよね、毎日3食外食して、夜はホテル泊まって、朝になるとまた車にもどって。ツライわぁ。

Monday, September 20, 2010

Adrien Mitchell Chen

Perry and Jen had a baby today! His name is Adrien and he was born at 12:47 am. He weighted 6 lbs 13 oz and was 52 cm long! They are all happy and healthy! We can't wait to see him! It's Raine's first cousin!!!

ペリーとジェンの赤ちゃんが生まれたぁ!13日が予定日だったのでちょうど1週間遅れで生まれてきました!名前は"Adrien"、背の高い赤ちゃんらしい。レインにとって初従兄弟なのでかなり嬉しそう。既にカルガリーに会いに行った時、ホッケーで遊ぼうと計画を立てているらしい。←でもAdrien生まれたばっかりで、ホッケーなんてできないのレインは分かっているのかな??少なくともあと4, 5年は待たないと...それともネットの前に寝かせて、ゴールキーパーとしてやってもらうつもりかな。う~ん...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Amebury Attack Exhibition Tournament

We had a pre season tournament! Believe it or not we won every single game and got the championship! WOW!!! WAY TO GO!!!





Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Raine is in Grade 5!


Raine is starting Grade 5! It will be a lot more homework and projects!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tim Hortons Commercial

Raine had a commercial shoot for Tim Hortons today! It was at Holiday Inn in Peterborough. His call time was 8 o'clock in the morning and we had to wake up at 5:30am. LONG DAY...

レインの"Tim Hortons"のコマーシャルの撮影が今日あった。車で2時間半くらいの街にあるホテルロビーでの撮影。8時に集合なので今日は朝5時半起き。はぁ、なが〜い1日だ...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lake Simcoe Part 4

There are so many little beaches in this park! AGAIN, Raine wanted to make a sandcastle!


I need your hand...

The water is warm but it's just windy!

Here they go again!

Jiji needs a break...

We are done!

Do you see the little island behind us? We'll try to go there next summer!

The best day ever!!!

Lake Simcoe Part 3

This park is know for fishing. We don't fish...


Pretty cool!

So peaceful...

Raine the explorer!

He didn't find anything...

Lake Simcoe Part 2

We came all the way here to play at the playground...


Come on Jiji! Follow me!!!

Jiji is such a good passenger...

Mommy: ...I'm feeling sick...