Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pizza Party

We had the last get together tonight! Raine will miss his friends big time!! Before the pizza, the kids played a game against their dads. It was SO entertaining for us to watch how slow the dads were! 

ピザパーティーヽ(゚∀゚ )ノこの前にお父さんvs.子供のホッケーゲームをした(笑)お父さんたち、最初の15分くらいで汗だくだくでヒーヒーって感じ。お父さんたち運動神経なさすぎでした(>_<。)

Friends Forever!

Raine, Nick, Luke & Nick

Saturday, March 10, 2012

York Toros 2000 AA

Raine's hockey season is about to end. WHAT A YEAR! Again, he made lots of great friends. It is hard to say goodbye every year :( He is asked to go to 3 different teams for next season. I think we are ready to commit to one of them!


Sunday, March 4, 2012