Monday, August 31, 2009

My New Bike!

As you all know, I got my bike stolen a couple of months ago(still SAD!). Daniel's mom felt so bad and she actually let me take her vintage bike(Raleigh) to Toronto!

There was only one problem though...the bike was way too big for us to fly back with. We tried to take off some parts and box it but it was still too big! Daniel spent all day doing this but we ended up shipping by FedEx!



Friday, August 28, 2009

Visiting Ella and Isaac!

It's been a year since we visited Akiko, Aaron, Ella and Isaac! The kids have grown so much and now they are expecting their third baby!

After dinner we went for a walk! It was unbelievable how many mosquitoes were out there to bite us(I should say ME!)! Yikes!



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ping Pong Tournament!

Raine and I played ping pong in the basement for the first time ever(the table has been there forever but we never tried it till now!)!!! Both of us got hooked big time! I know Daniel grew up with this table but I was AMAZED how good he was! And I was amazed EVEN MORE how good Grandpa was!!!

Today we decided to do a tournament. The finalists were Daniel and Raine(believe or not!)! Daniel ended up winning but of course we all know how competitive Raine is so he did not like that! I think Raine is going to ask for a rematch...



Saturday, August 22, 2009


This is Raine's favorite veggie, Kohlrabi(me too!)! I guess the weather this summer has been bad in Regina too so we got only a few so far.

This is Grandpa teaching Raine how to pick and clean it from their garden!

これはレインの大好物な野菜、コールラビ!毎年種をまいて我が家が行く頃には丁度いい感じで大きくなっている。でも残念な事に今年は寒い夏らしく食べごろなのが2, 3個しかなさそう、悲。まーこれから2週間くらいいるのでその間にお天気よくなってくれたらもう2, 3個はとれそうだね。


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Salon Daniel

Raine doesn't like getting a haircut... Actually he has never been to a salon ever since he was born! He always gets his haircut from his Daddy(I don't trust him with my hair but he is pretty good. He cuts his own hair too!)! This time "Salon Daniel" is in the basement where it's dark and cold...

Looks good Raine!


Monday, August 17, 2009

We are in Regina!

We had to say goodbye to jiji yesterday and now it's time for us to take our vacation! It's always nice to be back in Regina(in summer!)! Lots to do! Every summer we pick some apples in the back yard. I guess Raine is old enough and tall enough to do the job this year!


Look! Raine is posing for the picture but Daniel and Grandma are busy holding Raine's legs!

Good job Raine!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lunch @ The Brazen Head

Raine's hockey tournament, Canlan King of the Ring Tournament kicked off from Friday. There will be at least 5 games in 3 days! We had our first game today and found out that we had some time to kill before the next game so we decided to go for a quick lunch at the Brazen Head. We had some nachos, salad and chicken pot pie! Mmm, it was a good lunch!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trip to Montreal!

I went to Montreal for 2 nights! It's been a while since I went last time. Luckily the weather was nice and I really enjoyed the stay!


Old Montreal

Notre Dame

Me and James McGill @ McGill University
(I already picked up a brochure for Raine!)

Mmm, Schwartz's!

All the restaurants on Rue-Prince Arthur are supposed to be very good! Funny thing is that you can bring your own alcohol!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hockey Grandpa!

Jiji saw hockey for the first time in his life! I think he is hooked now! Even though you don't know much about it it is exciting to watch! He was amazed how fast and well the little kids could skate and play! He is so pround of his grandson now!!!

じじは今まで一度も生のホッケーを見た事がなかった!今回遊びに来て運良く試合と週末に3日間のトーナメントがあることになった。ホッケーはルールを知らない人でも誰でも楽しめるスポーツだと思うので、じじもかなり楽しめたのでは。8, 9才の子供達がこんなに上手にプレイできるとは想像してなかったんだと思う!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Grandpa came to Toronto!

We all went to the airport to pick up Grandpa from Japan! Raine was SO anxious to see him! We skype once a week but it's been one year since we saw him last! "Where is JIJI??" Raine asked me a million times...



Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cherry Beach

Raine and I biked to Cherry Beach today since the weather was nice(the weather in Toronto has been crappy this summer!)!

今年のトロントの夏は寒い!ここ最近ずっーと天気が悪くて(毎日スコールの様に雨が降る!)でも今日は久しぶりにお日様が出たので、レインと二人でCherry Beachへサイクリングに行って来た!

"Look at my HUGE teeth!!!"

Raine: "Mommy, do you want to help me?"
Mommy: "...NO."

"Would you like some dirt?"

Getting there...
