Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We went to the island for trick or treating with Isreal and her mom, Niki! It was very windy but it wasn't cold...thank goodness! Can you tell what Raine dressed up this year??


We had to run to catch this streetcar...

We ran into Ricardo! What a surprise!!!

We saw lots of great pumpkin carvings!

Look at this view!!!

"Don't take two! Just one!!!"

Nerd & Wrestler

We went to dinner after trick or treating! I had the most fun there!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Raine is in the Sears catalogue now! Check it out!!!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Used Clothing Sale...

Raine's school had a used clothing sale today. Since I knew that I wanted to find 6 items(uniform, gym clothes, jazz shoes, etc) I tried to get there by 3:30pm(just before the sale started).

When I got there it was OVERWHELMING!!! It was like a boxing day sale! Parents were already there running around and pulling and taking things from other parents! Then I realized the asian parents were the worst ones there! They all seemed to have the same trick. They would grab as many as possible, go to the corner, try everything on, keep the ones that fit and discard the rest. HOLY COW!!! I said to myself, "I have to be like that too if I want to find something for Raine!". I pushed some parents and took some stuff(kind of fun!). I ended up finding 4 items and I am SO proud of myself!!! Good thing that Daniel wasn't there to see me like that!


1. サイズ関係なくとにかくほしい物は全て先にとる
2. それを持って角の誰もいない所に行く
3. 子供に試着させる
4. サイズが合った物だけとって残りを返す



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Vancouver 2010 Olympics

Raine had a commercial and photo shoot for CTV and we had to go all the way to Burlington for that. Raine was SO excited because he got to play ball hockey instead of going to school! The funny thing was that the commercial was about a Caucasian family and Raine(!?). I don't even know how he would fit in this family...


Raine is the one with the red touque! He is SO ready to play ball hockey!

The director is showing what to do.

Mom is taking a family picture(funny that Raine is there!).

Photo shoot
(Raine is the smallest one!)