Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve!

This is a super fun game that Raine got for Christmas! Raine and I played it all night! That's how we celebrated New Year's Eve at home...


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Condo in Windsor!

We left from Michigan and stayed one night in Windsor before heading back home. Uncle Michael and Aunt Betsy have a condo right along the river(apparently they bought this condo for July 4th fireworks!)! The views were amazine! We should definitely come back for the fireworks in summer!


Downtown Detroit

Good Morning!

It's snowing hard...I think we should get going soon...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Best Massage Chair Ever!

Uncle Michael has the best massage chair in the world(this is me in the picture!)! I don't normally like massages but this chair is something else! I am glued to it. Daniel also likes it(sucks!) so we have to fight over who gets to sit first!


Monday, December 28, 2009


Target wasn't a good store when I was in Seattle years ago. I guess they changed...? Anyways, one of the things that I was looking forward to the most in this trip was to go there! How uncool am I... Of all the stores in Michigan I wanted to go to Target...

Instead of buying clothing or accessories, I bought 3 boxes of cereal there. I got the ones that I can't buy in Canada! I just wonder what the Canadian border might say...



Sunday, December 27, 2009


We went to see "Avatar" in IMAX! The movie was supposed to start at 8 pm but we were told to be there by 7 pm to get seats. We got there just before 7 pm and people were already there lining up! How crazy!

When the door finally opened people started running and Raine and I started running too! It was 10 of us but we got very good seats for everyone!

The movie was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! I knew it was going to be a good movie but I did not expect it to be that good! I'll definitely go back and watch it again! It's a must see movie!!!

みんなで映画に行って来た。「Avatar」はトロントでもチケットが売り切れるくらい大人気の映画!前売りチケットを買いに行った時、1時間くらい前には来て並んだ方がいいよ、と言われた。夕食後みんなで出かけ、映画館に7時まえには到着!と思ったら既にたくさんの人が並んでいるではないか!その後ろに私達は並び、いざドアが開くとその瞬間みんなすごい勢いで走る走る!それを見た私は「RAINE! RUN!!!」と叫び私と2人で他の人に負けずに走って中に入った。そのおかげか、私達10人一緒に座れ、真ん中の良い席をゲットすることが出来た!




Saturday, December 26, 2009

Skating with Stephen!

Raine went skating with Stephen(Daniel's cousin from D.C.)! Stephen plays hockey as well. It was a nice arena but all they did was circling the rink for an hour and a half! I wonder how many circles they made...


Friday, December 25, 2009

Gifts from Santa!

Santa came to Susan and Allison's house! He was SO generous this year(even though it's still a recession!)! He left LOTS of presents for everyone! We all sat by the fireplace and opened all the good gifts!!!


Look at the jerysey! I think getting this gift makes Daddy happier than Raine!

Raine got a bordgame he wanted!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas + Happy New Year!!!

We had a big Christmas party at Aunt Betsy's house! The food was amazing and we all had a great time! What I loved the most was that we had a birthday cake for Jesus and we all sang happy birthday to him! I guess Susan and Allison(Daniel's cousins) do this every year. I found it funny first but if you think about it it does make sense! Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus!!! We should all make a cake and sing happy birthday to Jesus!

Aunt Betsyのお家でクリスマスパーティーがあった!24人集まっての大きいパーティー!何よりも楽しみにしていたのが食べ物!!!やっぱり人に作ってもらったものって一番美味しいな!

私にとってパーティーでのメインイベントは「イエスキリスト誕生ケーキ(!?)」。ダニエルのいとこスーザンとアリソンの家では毎年恒例らしいが、バースデーケーキを作りみんなでケーキを囲んでhappy birthday to you x2♪ happy birthday dear jesus♫と歌いローソクを消す。最初は「何??」と思っていたが、よーくよーく考えるとクリスマスってイエスキリストが生まれた日なんだから、バースデーケーキを作りお祝いをする事がある意味当たり前??今年はレインが一番おちびだったのでケーキにイエスキリストをのせる事ができた!来年から我が家でもやるか...

Look at these presents! Raine was looking for his name of course!

Susan and Raine

Allison and Raine

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Raptors vs Pistons

We went to see a basketball game! Raine has been to one before but he was too young to remember anything(he was only 3 and I can't blame him!). The game was against the Toronto Raptors! How funny was that! We came all the way to Michigan to see the Raptors!!! Go Raptors Go!!!



Let's go Toronto!!!

"O Canada♫ Our home and native land♪"


"Mommy! That's Chris Bosh!!!"

We are the only ones cheering for the Raptors here!

Yeah! The Raptors won!!!

Trip to Michigan!

Since Daniel's parents are going away for Christmas this year we decided to visit Daniel's aunt and uncles in Michigan for Christmas!

Thank goodness for the good weather for driving! I drove all the way to Windsor and I switched to Daniel(I HATE to be the driver at the border!). We went through the Windsor border and for the first time we were asked to get off and they searched our car. I guess it's holiday season and they had to make sure we didn't have anything suspicious. They could be very intimidating!

We spent a good one hour at the border and finally we were back on the highway!

The best part of this road trip for Raine was to stop at the service station and he FINALLY ate a "Baconator" at Wendy's! To me it did NOT look like the one on TV at all!!! It was actually pretty disgusting to watch Raine eat it! It was just beef, bacon and cheese...





Tunnel to USA!

Downtown Detroit

Where is GM?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

CWSA Christmas Concert

Raine's school had a Christmas concert today! Believe it or not, we had to purchase tickets to see it!

All the kids dressed in their uniform and had a great performance! I was AMAZED by each and every one! They were all so talented and many students played multiple instruments(I saw some instruments that I had never seen in my life! This school has everything!)! It was a 2 hour concert and it was worth $15!

