Sunday, April 29, 2012

GTA Spring Showdown

Got the number he wanted! Little Erik Karlsson #65


Great looking medal! We did well considering we had only one practice.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Toronto Wlverines

Daniel chose the team last year. It's my turn to pick this year (feels good to have so much power!!)! Raine and I chose the Wolverines. We have a full team and the kids look pretty good and are skilled. Looking forward to next season!

去年はダニエルがチームを選び、今年は私が選ぶことになった。レインと話し合った結果、Toronto Wolverinesというチームに行くことにした!17人のフルチームでみんなスキルのある子たち。9月からのシーズンが楽しみだー!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Bat Mitzvah

Raine is invited to his friend's Bat Mitzvah! Daniel said Raine would have lots of fun. I AM worried!! It's from 7 to 11pm and I'm NOT invited! :( 

Miho: Can I go with him?? I'm a cool and fun mom and I can show them how to party!
Daniel: NO.

レインにBat Mitzvahの招待状が届いた。学校の友達もたくさん行くらしく、レインは楽しみにしてる感じ。でも親の私は全然楽しみじゃな〜〜〜い(;^_^ 19:00-23:00までのパーティーで親は招待なし。別に何かあるってわけじゃないけど、心の準備が必要だー!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Hockey

Raine's hockey season just ended but we're back at the arena! This is a 99/00 team and the kids are from all over Ontario. The majority are older and are MUCH bigger and stronger. Raine said his hands vibrated when he first received the pass! I guess he didn't expect the passes to be that hard!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fist Soccer Game

Raine made his school's soccer team! His position is striker(sounds cool!). They had their first game this afternoon. I hear some kids tried out because they wanted to skip school for this. Smartypants!


初ゲームがあり、ボランティアでヘルプに行って来た。サッカー少女じゃなかったからそこまでルールも分からないし、何よりもいよ〜〜〜に試合が長い!数人の子は、授業サボれるからトライアウトしてチームに入ったって!Smart kids!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Daniel the Birthday Boy!

Happy Birthday Daddy! 
You're still younger than my friend's dad who is 54! :)