Went to see "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Raine waited so long for this movie! Now he saw the movie and he is obsessed with the legos!
Look what grandpa got for Raine! This is over 1,000 pieces and with lots of help from his cousins he was able to finish it! So happy that he finished it but doesn't know how to bring it back to Toronto!
レインが長い間楽しみに待っていた映画、"Star Wars: The Clone Wars"を家族みんなで見に行ってきた!その直後からStar Warsレゴにハマりだし、孫には甘いじじはこんな大きいレゴを買ってあげた!全部で1000ピース以上はあり、ダニエルのいとこの子供達、JeffとWinnieの助けでやっと完成!って喜んでいるのは良いけど、トロントにどうやって持って帰るつもりなんだろう?