Wednesday, June 29, 2011

School is officially over!

Raine cleaned up his locker and brought back his art pieces that he worked on this year.


Haida Art

Book Report on Fablehaven

Suitcase Project

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

This song is for Father's Day!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Look at this!

Swan Eggs!


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Got a guitar!

Raine's been talking about taking guitar lessons. His dream finally came true! He just got a guitar and had a first lesson today! When he got back he was jamming and pretending to be the guitarist from AC/DC!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

York Toros BBQ

We had a BBQ get together with the hockey team. We didn't expect anything good to eat(we thought it was going to be hot dogs and burgers). We were SO wrong!!! Coach Dave grilled ribs, lambs, sausages, and many more! It turned out to be the best BBQ ever!

After lunch Coach Dave and the kids started a water balloon and water gun fight. They had the blast!



They finished water balloon fight and moved on to baseball. The kids thought Raine was a good player because he hit so many home runs! If you take a good look at this picture you can figure out why he hit so many home runs...he was using a tennis racket!!!

水風船で遊んだ後、今度はチームに分かれて野球をスタート。ゲーム開始。レインはホームランばっかり打って、友達はみんな『Wow, he is good!』と関心。でもよーくこの写真見ると、ホームランばっかり打てる理由がばれてしまう(笑)!こういう事には頭がフル回転する息子です。そりゃテニスラケット使えばホームランも簡単だよね〜。

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Check this out! They are shooting "Flashpoint" near our house!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Raine vs. Mom

I beat Raine! Yeah!!! FYI, I don't take it easy when playing sports against kids. Why should I? I need to teach them life is not easy.
