Raine's school had their annual spring concert tonight! This is the even we all look forward to every year(the kids work so hard!) but there is one thing that we don't look forward to that is...seating! There is always a big lineup of parents in front of the door. It's like boxing day sales! As you know how competitive I can get, you can probably imagine what I did when the door opened...just kidding!
The concert was great and enjoyable as always, good work everyone!
島の学校で毎年恒例のスプリングコンサートがありダニエルと行ってきた!親みんなが楽しみにしているイベントだが、だた1つ嫌な事が...それは席の取りあい!ドアの前にズラ〜っと親の行列ができドアが開いたとたんにバーゲンに来たおばちゃんの様にみんなスゴい勢いで席取りをする。な〜んて文句言っておきながら私もその親の1人だったりして(みんながそうなら自分のそうしないと良い席取れない、他の親になんて負けてられないっ!)!今年はがんばったおかげで前から5, 6列目くらいに座れた!
Raine is in the front row! It's good be small sometimes!