Monday, May 25, 2009

4 on 4!

Raine's hockey season(4 on 4) just started and he is now on the new team, Toros! The kids got their own bag, team leather jacket, pants, gloves and practice jersey. They are getting a helmet with their number and logo on it soon too! The new equipment looked so big and stiff on everyone but they all looked pretty happy! Go Toros!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Enormous Dog!

We were walking at Harbourfront and look what we saw! It was an ENORMOUS DOG!!! The owner said he weights 175lbs! Can you imagine if he jumps on you?


Tons of people were taking pictures of the dog! Look at Raine, he wanted to pet him. He was so brave!


Look closely, the dog owner is checking out this little chihuahua. He is thinking "This could be a perfect snack for my dog...".


He decided to go for the white chihuahua instead!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Track and Field 2009

Raine was on the track and field team at his school and he went to Varsity Stadium to compete against other schools in the city. Raine and three other boys from Grade 3 did the 400m relay! They did their best but they didn't qualify for the championships...

レインは学校の陸上チームに選ばれ市の大会にU of Tのスタジアムまで行ってきた。小学3年からはレインと他に3人の男の子、400mのリレーに出るため練習を積み重ねてきた。暑い中一生懸命走ったが、残念ながら決勝には行けなかった。また来年がんばろうね!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Interesting Vending Machine...

Guess what I found(it's hard to see because this guy is blocking!)!


Believe it or not this actually is appealing to some people like this guys in the picture!




Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spring Concert 09

Raine's school had their annual spring concert tonight! This is the even we all look forward to every year(the kids work so hard!) but there is one thing that we don't look forward to that is...seating! There is always a big lineup of parents in front of the door. It's like boxing day sales! As you know how competitive I can get, you can probably imagine what I did when the door opened...just kidding!

The concert was great and enjoyable as always, good work everyone!

島の学校で毎年恒例のスプリングコンサートがありダニエルと行ってきた!親みんなが楽しみにしているイベントだが、だた1つ嫌な事が...それは席の取りあい!ドアの前にズラ〜っと親の行列ができドアが開いたとたんにバーゲンに来たおばちゃんの様にみんなスゴい勢いで席取りをする。な〜んて文句言っておきながら私もその親の1人だったりして(みんながそうなら自分のそうしないと良い席取れない、他の親になんて負けてられないっ!)!今年はがんばったおかげで前から5, 6列目くらいに座れた!


Raine is in the front row! It's good be small sometimes!



Monday, May 11, 2009

Raine's New Toy!

Raine got a pair of rollerblades! He gave it a try as soon as he came home!


Raine got a blister(already!). I don't think he can rollerblade for a while...


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing all moms a Happy Mother's Day!!!

Look what Raine made for me!!! Also, Daniel and Raine gave me a gift card at my favorite store(I'm sure Daniel's Mom knows which store it is!)! I wish everyday could be like this!


Friday, May 8, 2009

Close Strangers

Our friend, Harvey had another art show and Daniel and I took Raine to his opening reception. Harvey is an awesome illustrator and he is the most talented guy we have ever met! He can turn anything into a piece of art! Everyone gets inspired by Harvey!!!
