Saturday, March 26, 2011

Peking Duck

Jen and Adrien are leaving tomorrow. We had the last dinner together and it was Peking duck! YUMMY!!!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Auntie Jen is the cheerleader!

Auntie Jen came to watch Raine's hockey game! She was cheering lourder than any hockey dads out there!


Thank you for coming!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Good bye Uncle Perry!

Uncle Perry has to go back to work and he is leaving today. Auntie Jen and Adrien will be here for another week though. We'll miss you!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Perry and Jen in Toronto!

Perry and Jen came to Toronto to hang out with us! Since grandma and grandpa are babysitting Adrien tonight, we have lots of time! At first, let's go to Marche to grab a bit!


Our Rooftop

Daniel and Perry have lots to catch up!

Peace out!

Perry looks GIANT??

"I'm having so much fun! What do you guys want to do next!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Samuel Jackson

Samuel Jackson is in Toronto shooting a movie and he came to check out the game! It was pretty cool!

俳優のSamuel Jacksonがバスケの試合にいること発見!トロントで映画撮影をしているらしい。おもいっきりズームして写真撮った〜。


We went to see a basketball game. As we walked in Perry found one of the cheerleaders! We(I mean Perry!) of course asked for a picture! It turned out to be a pretty exciting game and we all had lots of fun!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Raine got an expander!

Mmm, solid food!

Adrien is going to try some solid food for the first time. I don't think he knows what's going on but seems to like sitting in the brand new high chair!


"Why is my cousin Raine wearing my bib?"

"I am stuffed! Eating off my face is kind of fun!"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeding Adrien is not easy...

Raine is SO happy and excited that he finally met his cousin(he waited forever for this day to come)! Raine wants to try and do everything to help out Auntie Jen and Uncle Perry!


Adrien looks uncomfortable...

...Mommy to the rescue


"Mommy, Adrien's tummy is showing."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nice to finally meet you Adrien!

Perry, Jen and Adrien came to Oakville to visit us for 2 weeks! We are going to have lots of fun together!
