Thursday, December 29, 2011


Raine learned how to play Mahjong over the holidays! He is SO addicted now. Apparently he is pretty good at it! He can't wait to play against Jiji!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Richard Bell Memorial Tournament

We had a hockey tournament in Oakville on the 27th and 28th. Luckily the arena was 2 minutes away from Daniel's parents house! We didn't mind this tournament at all even though our first game was 8 o'clock in the morning and we got spanked! The first game was painful to watch...we lost 18-1! OUCH!!!

クリスマスの直ぐ後に、オークビルでトーナメントが2日間あった。なんとアリーナはダニエルの親の家から車で2分のとこ!イエ〜イ(o^_^o) レインのチームは全部で4つの試合にでて、トロント市外からのチームと3つ試合した。朝イチにやった1つ目の試合が今までで1番最悪の結果に、、、18-1でボロ負けでした(号泣)。

Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day

Daniel and I went shopping on Boxing Day! We don't usually bother to go because it's just CRAZY!!! We went this year just to get a coat I found last Friday.

Daniel set the alarm for 5:45am (The alarm was SO ANNOYING!!!!! The snooze went off every 2 minutes and it was the tetris music! I HATED it!!!). 

トロントに住んで12年以上経つけど、今回初めてBoxing Day(1年で1番大きなバーゲン)に行って来た。なぜこんなクレイジーな日にわざわざ行って来たかというと、数日前にモールですご〜〜〜くいいコートを発見!Boxing Dayが3日後だったので、買わずにその日はガマンすることに(;^_^ そのかわり、26日の朝イチにお店に戻ることにした。ダニエルは『みほのサイズはなくなるから朝イチでいこう〜!』と。朝5:45にダニエルの携帯アラームが鳴り起こされた(テトリスの音楽で2分に1回スヌーズ機能が起動(怒)、うざ〜〜〜い!)。


So it worth it? Why are the shoppers all Asian people??


YES! The coat was on sale! It's totally worth it! Thanks Daniel! You are the best! (Daniel made me say it!)

やった〜o(^o^)o やっぱりコートがセールになってる!しかもフロアーにXXSのサイズがなくて、ストックルームから探してこないといけなかった。朝イチに行ってよかった〜。ダニエルに感謝! it's getting busy!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

At 8:30am, we all got up and opened up the gifts!


This is from Daniel's parents! Haha!!! FYI, mentholatum is hard to find here and Daniel was genuinely happy about it!

ダニエルの親からダニエルへのプレゼントは、いつも生活に必要なモノが多い(For you Miho!と私には洋服とかコーチのかばんとかくれるo(^o^)o)!メンソレータムとかいって、うけたけどこっちでこれ見つけることできないから、ダニエルは純粋に喜んでいた(笑)

Best Nerf Gun! 

YAY! Turkey!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Last Minute Shopping!

Hard to believe it's December! We don't have any snow and the lake is not frozen!!!  Loving it! Since it was such a beautiful day Daniel and I walked to the Eaton Centre for the last minute Christmas shopping!


Since when did Christmas become about gifts...


Raine joined us after school and helped us find a gift for his little cousin, Adrien!


Raine needed a break from shopping. "Raine, you have been shopping for not even 5 minutes..."


"Daddy, you said you didn't want to eat! You always do this!"


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Secret Santa Gift

Raine was so happy to get this hockey toy from his secret santa, Ally! The budget was under $10 and it was impossible to even find something under $10 nowadays. Ally did a good job! I asked Raine what his friends got. One boy got a water bottle, another boy got a SUDOKU book(of course it's an Asian boy!). The funniest gift was a DEODORANT!!! 


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Team Dinner @St. Louis Bar and Grill

Coach Dave tossing the gifts to the kids!


The team got together for dinner before the holidays! Each kid got a Christmas gift from the coaches! Happy Holidays! See you at the Oakville tournament on the 27th and 28th!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Celebration of Music 2011

We had an annual winter concert at Earl Haig. We didn't get good seats this time just because I forgot to bring the ticket order form to the office on the first day of ticket sales! If you miss the first day you know that you get crappy seats! DARN IT!!! 

FYI, Raine wanted us to get good seats so bad so on the order form he wrote a check mark to say that his guests were handicapped!!! How clever! However, I had to make him erase that! 





Friday, December 9, 2011

Sugar Beach

We found this awesome place to play hockey! This rink closes at 10pm and that's when everyone leaves including the security!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dinner + Shopping!

We went out for dinner and shopping today! Since it was a nice day we decided to walk instead of driving. 


When did this thing get here??

I'm starving...where is the restaurant?

Dinner @ Marche

...boring (shopping with Mommy is NOT fun!)

Jessica and Ashlee Simpson! COOL!!!

@Eaton Centre
"Can you buy me something!"

@Nathan Phillips Square

"Daddy, can you give me a piggyback ride?"

"Do you know that I'm sliding down?"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

No Marlies Game??

Look what Raine and Zack are doing! We were supposed to go to the Marlies game 2 hours ago...


Sunday, November 20, 2011

London Tournament

We had a hockey tournament in London! We played 4 games and we lost them all...  Losing the games didn't really bother the kids at all. The best part for them was running around the hotel and getting in trouble! For me it was drinking and playing the game called "Bananagrams"  with the parents! 


@Jack Astor's

Coach Shaun (Brendan Shanahan's Brother!)

Coach Dave Tying Raine's Stakes

Raine #2

Mini-Stick Hockey 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Raine's got talent

Wonder what Raine can do with this talent!

Monday, November 7, 2011

bop it!

YAY, we found it!!! Daniel works for American companies a lot and we don't get to see his work like this. We actually saw someone buying one! Very cool! 


Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

"Hello, I'm from Saskatchewan!"

Raine, Toren and Brendan

Daniel said Raine looks like a porn star from the 70s! FYI, someone thought Raine was Johnny Depp! I did not see that coming!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Party

Raine had a Halloween party at school! Why is Raine's mouth open in every picture?
