This is called "Power Balance" and it's created for athletes. How do you use it?? Simply put it on your wrist(or ankle). That's it! It doesn't make you stronger but it's supposed to help keep you more balanced. I guess a lot of pro athletes are wearing it.
Check this out!
Some guys were selling at the arena and Raine saw them testing. He was SO amazed(of course) and begged me to buy one. I ended up buying it just because all his teammates bought it. Personally I don't believe in this kind of stuff. The original price was $40 but it was $20. Yeah yeah... Well, we'll see if it really works on Raine.
これは"Power Balance"と呼ばれる、多くのプロスポーツ選手も使っているブレスレット。これを手首につけるだけでバランススキルがアップ。ホッケーの練習の後に小さなブースがあるのを見つけ、そこにたくさんの人たちが集まっていたのでやじうましに行った。上のリンクを見ると分かると思うが、なかなか不思議なもの。でも、これが$40??でもその日だけなんと半額の$20だったらしい(あ〜うそくさっ!)。まぁ子供だましと言ったらいいのか、レインなんて目をまん丸くしてほしい〜ほしい〜と。チームメイトもみんな買ってもらってて我が家も結局買うはめになった、涙。次の試合何か違いがあるか見てやるぞっ!