Friday, February 26, 2010

Raine's 10th B-Day!

Raine turned 10 today! Time flies way too fast!!

In the past he always asked for a nice hockey stick, BMX bike, DS, iPod Touch, etc. However, this year he asked for something that Daniel and I never thought he would ask in million years.

A notebook and some mechanical pencils!
Why in the world does he want that for his birthday??

He looks SO happy to get what he wanted. What a weirdo...




Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Applied Arts

Daniel was interviewed by Applied Arts a couple of weeks ago and his work is now featured on their site!

カナダにある「Applied Arts」と言うデザイン系の雑誌があり、数週間前にダニエルがインタビューされた。

Check it out!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Family Day!

YES! Another long weekend is here!!! We went to High Park for ice skating with our friends, David, Chris, Liam and Ethan! We actually live close from the park but we did not know that we could skate on this frozen pond in winter. Such a great way to spend time together on Family Day!

待ちに待った連休!ここ数年前から始まった「ファミリーデー」、なんて意味のある良い休日だろうと思う。ダニエルと私の友達家族と一緒にHigh Parkの池にアイススケートをしに行ってきた!実際家からスゴく近いのにここでスケートできるなんて今まで知らなかった...いつも映画に行ったり家でゆっくりしたりって感じだったけど、今年は充実したファミリーデーでした!

The Akiyama-Chens

Look at this huge pond! You can actually see the bubbles in the water and IT FREAKED ME OUT!!!

Liam, Ethan, Raine and Bob(I forgot his name...let's call him Bob)

Game Over!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Card from Daniel and Raine for Valentine's Day♥♥♥

Friday, February 5, 2010

Coach Joe

Raine's coach from last year came to see a game! I can tell that Raine's effort was more than 100% today! He was so excited to see Coach Joe!


In the dressing room before the game

Looking for a loose puck...

There it is!

Got the puck!
