Friday, July 31, 2009


Daniel's art work got chosen for the website called "Lost At E Minor". It's Australian-based online publication of inspiring art, illustration, photography, music, fashion, film and more! Click on "Browse Banners" and look for Daniel's name!

ダニエルのイラストが「Lost At E Minor」というオーストラリアベースのポップカルチャーオンライン雑誌に選ばれた!ダニエルにとって憧れのイラストレーターが今までこのサイトでフィーチャーされているらしく本人はスゴくハッピー!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My addiction...

People today are so into gadgets such as Xbox 360, PS3, iPhone,... Everything is around us and everybody has an easy life(Daniel always calls me "GRANDMA" every time when I say that!).

While people are addicted to the latest games and so on I'm addicted to...UNO!!! I got it from my friend and since then I've been playing with Raine every day! I'm actually trying to get Daniel join too but he doesn't really get why I get so excited about this game in 2009.



Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Emily Rose

"Very disturbing!!!"

I LOVE horror movies and I can say I've watched lots of them and nothing ever frightened me...until I saw this one. I shouldn't say it was scary, it was by far the most disturbing movie I've every seen. If you are a huge horror movie fan like me(or I should say if you are a weirdo like me!) you should check it out. It's based on a true story and that makes it even better.

ホラー映画大好き!そして今までに数々のホラーをみてきた私だが、そこまで怖〜いと思った映画が一つもなかった!と言うのがこの「Emily Rose」をみる前の私の意見。期待ゼロで何となく借りてみよう...と思い手を伸ばしただけだった。結果、実話をもとにしたらしく、かなり迫力のある映画だった(今までで一番とでも言ってもいいかも!)。主演女優の演技が半端なく上手で、映画をみていると彼女に起こった事がスゴく伝わってくる。ホラー映画又はサスペンス映画の大ファンな人にはかなりおすすめ!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Canlan Youth Classic "AA" Champions

Raine's team had their first tournament over the weekend! Each and every one worked so hard and earned the championship!!!

I've heard from other people about some "hockey parents" and I think Daniel and I experienced THAT during the final game. Apparently the team we beat never lost so the parents weren't happy with the fact that we were beating them. As the game got more intense some parents started cursing and booing our kids. I thought "It's just kids hockey and they are only 8 or 9 years old...".

The season hasn't even started yet(it's summer hockey and supposed to be all about fun!) . I can't imagine when September comes and those parents get even crazier!


友達や他の親からこっちでよく言われる「ホッケーママとパパ」の恐ろしい話しを聞いていたが、トーナメントの決勝戦で初めてそれを自分の目で見てしまった。というのも、相手チームは今までにほとんど負けた事がないらしく、相手の親がうちのチームの親にヤジを飛ばしてきては口喧嘩、うちのチームの子(8, 9才)をブーイングしたりととにかく大人げない!


Pep talk from Daddy, "What do you want for dinner?"

Warm Up

Winning Moment!!!

We are the champions♪

Coach Mark handing out the trophy to each player!
(Funny that he couldn't pronounce Raine's last name!)

Eric and Raine
(they've been together since the Parkdale Flames!)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dog Show @ Harbourfront

Raine and I went to the grocery store and on the way home we found out that there was a dog show at Harbourfront. My favourite dog was this Boston Terrier in a pink tutu! Raine LOVES dogs and he's been asking about getting one(I always say NO to that!!! I grew up with 2 dogs and I know in fact it's a lot of work!). I believe Raine patted every single dog there!
