YES, Raine got into The Claude Watson School for the Arts!!! This school is so different from any other schools in Canada. They teach academic and artistic study. Their half of each school day is devoted to academics and the other half is for arts subjects such as dance, drama, visual arts and music.
Since they focus on arts so much kids have to have auditions to get in(they want to make sure they take kids that are truly interested in arts!). Raine's auditions were in February and March(2 days, 4 hours each!). The kids had so much fun auditioning because it was all about showing your creativity!
We were very anxious to find out the result and we finally received the letter today. Rain IS in!!! Raine is excited just because he gets to wear uniform to school from September!
やったー、レインが学校に受かった!と言うのは新しい学校の事。「The Claude Watson School for the Arts」と言って名前の通りアートに力を入れている学校である。
4月上旬に結果が手紙で来るとわかっていたので、ダニエルと毎日郵便物をチェックしては「まだかー」と。そしてとうとう今日結果が手紙で届いた。そして見事合格!レインに知らせると大喜びしていた。でもレインの喜んでる理由は9月からユニフォーム着て学校に行けるかららしい... ネクタイして学校に行くのがじじがスーツ着て会社に行くのと同じようで真似できるから嬉しいみたい。