Sunday, April 26, 2009

2009 All Stars

Raine, Marco and Eric got picked from the Parkdale Flames for the 2009 All-Star game! Raine was just thrilled to be part of it even though it was 32 degrees outside!

It was a 30 minute game(very short!) and tied at 3-3. What a fun game, but I was ready to get out and get some sunshine!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Madalynne's B-Day!

Raine got invited to Madalynne's B-Day! Madalynne's family lives on the island(her dad actually grew up on the island!) so we got to take a ferry over. She invites Raine every year and this is one of the parties that we look forward to!

Luckily the weather was PERFECT! It went up to 32 degrees!!! I was told to pack Raine's bathing suit. Huh, I wonder why...


All Aboard!

"Are you making a paper airplane with your ticket again?"

Scavenger Hunt on the Island

Water Balloon Fight

Unbelievable how quiet they get when eating!

Homemade Ice Cream Cake!

Don't say anything, this is our second one!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We are officially on!

After all Daniel and I decided to give it a try for a year! Can't imagine how busy we'll get from September though. Raine is switching schools, playing hockey 4-5 times a week... But hey, Raine is the one who made the decision(we'll support him of course!). We just said to him that school comes first no matter what.

いろいろ考えた結果(考えすぎたかも)、AAの新しいチームで1年間やってみる事にした。9月からは学校もかわるし、ホッケーも週に4, 5回になりかなり忙しくなると思うけど、全てレイン次第。本人がそれでもやりたいと決めたからにはがんばってもらわないとっ。いつもマミーが言っている



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Look who was there!

Raine had an audition a couple of weeks ago(can't remember what it was for...Raine didn't get it!). This is the picture that I took when Raine was waiting for his name to be called in. Take a good look at this picture! Who do you see??

Yes, Jonah Hill look-alike(the guy from Superbad!)! COOL!!!


その通り、映画「Superbad」のJonah Hillにそっくりさんがいるではないか!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fun Game!

GTHLA(Good Times Hockey League of the Arts) had a hockey event for kids today at De La Sella Arena. Raine went with his friends, Jackson and Daniel. It was pretty cool because the kids got to play with live music!


Live music!

Raine and Daniel

One of the referees is wearing a fake mushtash...with some black tape? Interesting...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Not too bad...

We were driving in the rain one night and Raine asked me if he could take some photos with my cell phone. Huh, they are actually not too bad...


Monday, April 6, 2009

Raine got in!!!

YES, Raine got into The Claude Watson School for the Arts!!! This school is so different from any other schools in Canada. They teach academic and artistic study. Their half of each school day is devoted to academics and the other half is for arts subjects such as dance, drama, visual arts and music.

Since they focus on arts so much kids have to have auditions to get in(they want to make sure they take kids that are truly interested in arts!). Raine's auditions were in February and March(2 days, 4 hours each!). The kids had so much fun auditioning because it was all about showing your creativity!

We were very anxious to find out the result and we finally received the letter today. Rain IS in!!! Raine is excited just because he gets to wear uniform to school from September!

やったー、レインが学校に受かった!と言うのは新しい学校の事。「The Claude Watson School for the Arts」と言って名前の通りアートに力を入れている学校である。


4月上旬に結果が手紙で来るとわかっていたので、ダニエルと毎日郵便物をチェックしては「まだかー」と。そしてとうとう今日結果が手紙で届いた。そして見事合格!レインに知らせると大喜びしていた。でもレインの喜んでる理由は9月からユニフォーム着て学校に行けるかららしい... ネクタイして学校に行くのがじじがスーツ着て会社に行くのと同じようで真似できるから嬉しいみたい。

Saturday, April 4, 2009

4 wild animals in my house!

Raine had another sleepover tonight! We were supposed to have just Marco but Raine invited 2 other friends, Daniel and Tristin. It turned out to be the biggest sleepover ever for us! I actually didn't mind it because I know they are all good kids(which means they listen to what I say!).

After they played lots of ball hockey in our living room they wanted to watch "Journey to the Center of the Earth"(thank goodness for some quiet time!). Good thing that I had 4 pairs of 3D glasses!


ずっ とミニスティックホッケーで遊んでたかと思ったら「映画みる〜♪」と言い出した。そして選んだ映画が3Dの「Journey to the Center of the Earth」。しかもDVDに4つの3Dメガネが付いてきたからラッキー!みんなおとなしく映画をみていて私は静かな時間をエンジョイ!

Banquet 09

McCormick Arena had their annual banquet today! The kids got their trophies and pictures! This is something that people look forward to every year.


Raine, Marco, Coach Joe, Tristin

This is Raine's select team!

Raine got his trophie and team picture!

Listen to Paul's speech(our select coach)!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Daniel's 38th Birthday

Very disturbing...

It's Daniel's birthday today! I know it's hard to believe from this picture but turning 38 actually hit him hard... However, one good thing happened today! We think he finally grew out of his allergies!!! We walked by this pet store and Raine wanted to go in(normally pet stores are like hell to Daniel!). I told Daniel to wait outside but for some reason he decided to come in with us. We spent about 20 minutes and I realized that Daniel didn't get any allergic reactions! Hooray! I guess turning 38 is not so bad! Just kidding!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Grandpa turned 60 today!

It's my dad's birthday today! He turned 60!!!!! Since we can't be there to celebrate we ordered a suprise gift for him! I think he liked a lot!

Happy 60th Birthday Jiji!

