Saturday, February 28, 2009


Got invited to Steve's surprise birthday party (he is from Regina and Daniel went to high school with him). He just turned 40! He does NOT look 40 at all! It's good to be Asian sometimes!



Look at this cake!!! Now Raine wants his birthday cake to look like this! How in the world am I going to do that!

This is their version of "Pin the Tale on the Donkey".

Mini Stick Hockey

Some kids want to come to our house every weekend after our hockey game. Or I should say they just invite themselves over! Today Daniel, David and Marco came to play mini stick hockey in our living room. I overheard David telling Raine that we have the best house because we have a ball hockey rink(?). Do we really?


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Trip to the ACC

Raine's class had a field trip to see the Leafs practice at the ACC this morning! Since I love hockey and AM a hockey mom I volunteered for this trip.

レインのクラスが今日ACC(Air Canada Centre)へホッケーの練習を見に行ってきた。レインがはじめる前は一切ホッケーに興味がなかった私だが、やっぱり自分の子がやりだすと興味をもちだし、今となってはダニエルよりも大ファン(自分が中学校の時にやばいくらい西武ファンだった時を思い出す!)!こんなチャンスはないと思って一緒に行く事にした。前の日に先生から「当時は2~3人の子供を面倒みることになります」と言われ、誰だ〜、誰だ〜?と思いながら家を出た。ちなみに、過去にワイルドな子=トラブルメーカーな子の世話をする事になり、えらい思いをしたのでそれだけは勘弁... 結局3人いい子のお世話になった。ハアー(安心)。

Keegan, Alex, Raine, Mathew(Holy cow, he is SO big!)

Raine's shooting on the goalie!

We got the first row!

3 fake smiles!

Lots of bums!

Vesa Toskala

"Go Flames Go(?)" Why is my son shouting that?
Many schools from different cities came to watch the practice!

New York Rangers!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Raine got scouted!

You are NOT going to believe what happened today! Raine got scouted by a AA coach!!

Raine had a hockey game after school and this coach who has been watching Raine's team from the beginning of this season came up to me right after the game saying he wanted Raine to be on his team for next season (he said that Raine doesn't have to tryout!).

Shocked and overwhelming. Raine is super excited(of course!) but we really have to sit down and talk about this. It's a HUGE commitment for us and it's very competitive. We have a month to think about...




Saturday, February 14, 2009

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Guess what we did today. Went to see "Paul Blart: Mall Cop"! Raine wanted to see this movie so badly and went with his friend Tristin and his family.

Funny movie but I would never watch it again...

バレンタインデーに映画を見に行ってきた。しかもMall Copと言うくだらないコメディー映画。レインがずーーーっとこの映画見たい!見たい!と騒いでたのでホッケーの友達とその家族とみんなで行ってきた。映画館に着くと、なんと子供の日の上野動物園のよう!かなりの人でチケット買うのにも長いこと並ばされた。でも私達が見た映画はガラッガラッ。そう言えば「13日の金曜日」が昨日から上映されてるんだった。みんなそれを見にきたらしい。映画はまあまあ面白かったが、私はDVDになっても見る事はもうないだろう...レインは大満足♥だったらしいが。

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ready for the Playoffs!

"Grr! We want the Cup!"

Got together with the team for dinner at Boston Pizza tonight! Their playoffs are about to begin and the coach wanted to spend some time with everyone before their first game!

レインのチームディナーが今日Boston Pizzaであり行ってきた。これはコーチのアイディアで11人全員参加となった!うるさいながも楽しく食事をすまし、デザートがきた。なんと、合成着色料たっぷりの青いゼリー!みんな大喜び!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mighty Mamma

Raine was on CBC Kids this morning. Check it out!


Monday, February 2, 2009

Have a great trip Perry and Jen!

Perry and Jen left for their trip today! So hard to say goodbye to both of them...

Their first stop is Thailand and they are planning to stay there for 3 months. After that they are going to New Zealand, Africa, Taiwan, and so many other places! How exciting!

Can't wait to see you next year and hear all about your adventure! Love you guys!

