"GM Opel Comemrcial in Niagara Falls"
Raine has been modeling ever since he was 3. He has done flyers, billboards and commercials.
Daniel and I weren't sure first if we were going to like this industry but it's been over 5 years and I have to admit it's pretty cool to see our own son in TV commercials or flyers!
"ETFO Commercial"
Raine got to dress like a cool skater! He had so much fun and we had fun eating at the catering table!
"RONA Commercial"
The day before the shoot I got the schedule and map to this RONA store. We were so ready for it! I told Daniel that we would have to be there by 9 o'clock.
We woke up early, packed everything and went to the car. Daniel started the engine and I looked at the schedule one last time. I COULD NOT believe what I saw!! It said 9PM!! SO funny but NOT to Daniel and Raine! They gave me the coldest stare! Good thing that I checked in the car before leaving!